Halogen Illumination
Clear view of what’s happening inside
Want to see how your cooking is going but don’t want to open the door and lose the heat inside? Halogen Illumination helps you see all your oven’s cavity, so you can keep an eye on your culinary creations with the door firmly shut.
Smooth & quiet door opening & closing
When your hands are full, sometimes you can’t help but have the oven door slam on you. SoftDoor features special hinges that slow down the shutting and opening of the oven door. No more prying the door open with your knee or elbow when your hands are full and no more laud noises in the kitchen.
Durable Door
Sturdy door for carrying heavy dishes & cookware
Hot, heavy dishes and pots can be difficult to get out of the oven. Durable Door supports loads as heavy as 22.5 kg. That’s 20% more than standard oven doors so you can rest your piping hot pot on the open oven door while you take a breather.
Telescopic Shelves
Safe & easy-pull-out tray
If you find yourself struggling to get that heavy dish out of the oven, Telescopic Shelves will make your life easier. Its runner system lets you pull out the shelf all the way out (or 2/3 of it, for partial Telescopic version) of the oven while supporting your dish.